Statice is Now part of Anonos Data Embassy Platform

Statice's synthetic data technology is now part of Anonos Data Embassy, the award-winning data security and privacy solution.


Welcome to the Statice blog,
your feed for everything synthetic data!

September 23, 2022
Synthetic data

Synthetic data tools: Open source or commercial? A guide to building vs. buying

In this article we explore the factors to consider when choosing between open source and commercial synthetic data solutions. An extended version, including cost projections, can be downloaded from our resource section.
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Synthetic data
How to use synthetic data in Machine Learning and AI
March 7, 2022

From improving time to data to removing privacy constraints, learn how to use synthetic data in machine learning to enhance AI projects.

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Statice Software
Generate high-fidelity synthetic data with the Statice SDK
December 21, 2021

In this blog post, we walk through how to evaluate synthetic data quality and performance for Machine Learning using components from the Statice SDK.

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Use case
How healthcare enterprises can benefit from synthetic data
April 14, 2022

This article looks at the data challenges of healthcare companies and how to leverage synthetic health data to move past these obstacles with practical applications in healthcare.

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Synthetic data
The validity and impact of synthetic data in healthcare
November 24, 2021

In this post, we summarized the insights from the discussion between health data experts from AstraZeneca, Charité, InGef, and Statice during the panel session on synthetic data at the Medica conference 2021.

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About data privacy in insurance: Statice on the Digital Insu
November 17, 2021

Our CEO Omar was invited to the Digital Insurance Podcast to discuss with Jonas Piela about digital privacy, data use in insurance, and innovation. Check the episode highlights in this blog post.

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10 answers on privacy-preserving machine learning
September 16, 2021

In this interview, Machine Learning and privacy researcher Franziska Boenisch explains the logic behind privacy attacks and defense mechanisms for machine learning models. Learn about model vulnerability, Differential Privacy, DP-SGD algorithm, and privacy assessment.

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Data privacy
How to manage re-identification risks with synthetic data
July 27, 2021

This article covers the main privacy risks associated with anonymized data. We also describe the levels of re-identification protection of data protection techniques; the privacy-preservation properties of synthetic data.

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Synthetic data, real use-cases: a talk with our product team
July 16, 2021

This post is part of a series of discussions with the Statice team. Borbala and José from our product team shared their learnings on synthetic structured data generation.

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Use case
AI-driven data agility: synthetic data in insurance
May 18, 2021

We present in this article why insurers need to make privacy a strategic decision to remain agile and how privacy-preserving data represents a renewed ability to process customer data safely and seamlessly.

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