Statice is Now part of Anonos Data Embassy Platform

Statice's synthetic data technology is now part of Anonos Data Embassy, the award-winning data security and privacy solution.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about synthetic data, Statice, or the Statice software?
Here are some common answers that should help.

Let's answer some questions.

What is privacy-preserving synthetic data?

Synthetic data is data artificially generated that mimics the structure and statistical properties of data gathered from real-life events. Synthetic data in itself isn’t enough to guarantee privacy. However, it can be coupled with privacy mechanisms that guarantee, upon releasing it, the protection of sensitive information present in the original data. The result is privacy-preserving synthetic data, and it is the focus of our work at Statice.
You can read more in this article on our blog.

What can my company do with privacy-preserving synthetic data?

Can you guarantee the anonymity of the synthetic data?

How well does your synthetic data capture the quality of the original data?

Is Statice’s synthetic data GDPR compliant?

Can I test your software?

Still got questions?

Reach out to our team. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have or provide custom material to support your project.

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