Statice is Now part of Anonos Data Embassy Platform

Statice's synthetic data technology is now part of Anonos Data Embassy, the award-winning data security and privacy solution.


Big Data & AI Paris

26 - 27 September 2022


Paris, France

Big Data & AI Paris 2022 is the result of the merger of two leading French and European tech events: Big Data Paris, a key event on the big data scene for the past ten years, and AI Paris, an event dedicated to advances in artificial intelligence that has become a must-attend over the past five editions. 

These two events were brought together for the first time in 2020 and are now combined into a single event, given the correlation between the development of the Big Data and AI markets. Big Data & AI Paris is becoming the leading French event for the entire big data and AI ecosystem. With a unique concentration of content and key industry players, discover how to do things better, faster and at scale.

Thinking of attending the event? Get in touch!

Don't miss out

Uncover better business insights while protecting customer privacy.

Does your team struggle accessing data for Machine Learning, data analysis, or to share it with partners? We have the solution! 

Discover synthetic data, a privacy-preserving method that simplifies the use of data for secondary use-cases. With our solution, you can remove data from the scope of personal data regulations and use synthetic data as a drop-in replacement for your data science operations.

Meet our team and learn how you can scale your operations with high-quality data! 

Don’t have a ticket yet? Passes to the exhibition are free. Get yours today! With the code BDAIP22-STATICE you will get a 20% discount on the workshop and keynotes access pass!


Meet us there

Meet Omar, Melissa and Bernard at our booth. They will be pleased to discuss your data challenges over a cup of coffee. Our booth is located in Hall B; booth number B25.

Mélissa Djuimo
Professional Services Consultant

Want to learn more?

When using synthetic data generated by Statice, companies do not have to worry about re-identification of a real person.
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