Statice is Now part of Anonos Data Embassy Platform

Statice's synthetic data technology is now part of Anonos Data Embassy, the award-winning data security and privacy solution.


"How Statice works" under 5 minutes

Sanja Bjelica

Data privacy can be a big issue for companies and organizations. Businesses working directly with customers are collecting data for various reasons, including product development and innovation. With stringent data privacy regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA, companies struggle to work with and attain sensitive customer data ethically. This strongly inhibits innovation, which is why companies need to find solutions to work with data in an entirely privacy-preserving manner, while maintaining the value of their customer data.

Watch the video to learn how Statice works in under 5 minutes

Statice offers a data anonymization software that enables companies to easily use sensitive data while meeting the legal requirements of modern data privacy regulations. The Statice software generates synthetic data that allows companies to perform meaningful data analysis without ever touching the original data. We enable businesses to work with sensitive data while protecting the privacy of their users and customers.

These are some of the benefits our data anonymization solution provides to our customers:

  • Effective and fast access to sensitive data
  • Safe data processing
  • Legally compliant secondary use of data
  • Data access between internal and external entities

To learn more about our product features and how we can support with your data-driven innovation, don't hesitate to contact us here.

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